I hope its Little Lees brother! hes funny as fuck. Met him last night...........a proper clone of Lee but likes Hard House? eeeeew
He was at an afterparty in Consett on fri night. Seems dead canny. Had me in stiches cos he kept calling Hogg Dave! Seen him at Iany E's on sat night and he said 'alright Dave' to Hogg. Dunno where he got that one from!!
It is dean (lee's brother). Yes he is far more generous than lee. He has yet to completely loose the plot in the way lee has. I say we start a "save little ted" campaign to make sure he doesn't go the same way as his brother...donations will go towards buying him a copy of the book "How to win friends and keep them..." and any future drug rehab.
hehehe the first time i met dean was on boxing day. i was at a bus stop waiting fir a bus with my mate, when dean and his mate came n sat down, we were all waiting for ages for a bus, then found out there were no busses. we were all wanting to go to the metro centre so i asked if he wanted to share a taxi with me n my mate. anyway when we were in the taxi he asked me if i knew ted (id been talking about promise and clubbing to my mate and hed over heard) and voila, i met teds brother. it was canny freaky at the time though :spangled:
no, i was with a mate of my big brothers at the time, i didnt really think dean could do me any harm!! we were all going the same way so it saved paying for a taxi by myself!