aye i havent heard much about this, but i think it is still on as someone was playing who someone else thought was good. sorry im a
ma mate told me all about it on hayleys b'day nite out n there r meant to be sum good dj's n think it starts again in january the last sat of jan maybe or maybe im wrong who knows!!! due to my disgusting state on hayleys b'day i cant reeli remember what on earth he said to me but no suprises there lol!! it is def startin in jan again tho!! aw i remember now he said that its at sugar but if we go we have to go in thru the back door rather than the main on!! okays so im just waffling now i think i may shut up lol!! xxx
Yeah Nice is back!! Kicks off on Saturday 10th with 2 rooms of the usual Nice Shenanigans. Its going to be upstairs at Sugar. This one is not to be missed!!
The night is going to be resident based using 2 rooms upstairs. Entrance is by the side door. First night in by guest ticket only. Get down to the North Bar to try and score a few.
Are you playing Steve? Got a few tickets so will no doubt make an appearance. Nice used to be my home (many, many moons ago)!
Yeah I'll be playing. Gonna make it dirty and bassy house. Got a shed load of records when back in Glasgow for Xmas. 23rd Precinct is such a top store. Got given my own room to listen to the records and plied with free beer. Can't complain!