Nightmares I think i have an unbelievably large amount of nightmares, speaking to people they hardly ever have them but i think i could probably have 1 every other night....and if i do have one, i will usually have them throughout the night after that. I have had reoccuring nightmares quite a bit too. about a variety of subjects from cheating partners to terrorism or just random stuff. Not just reoccuring every now and again but i could have them night after night or even just carry on the dream where it left off when i drop back of to sleep. I dont (or try not to) eat before i go to bed.....especially chesse....if i have cheese then i WILL have the worst nightmares ever. Does anyone else have nightmares? My brother has never had a nightmare in his life cos he says he tells himself it just a dream when he's asleep and turns it into an adventure
Nightmares stay with me the whole day! You have'nt recently stopped smoking the herb have you? I ask as if I go without for a few days, I am guaranteed to have the most fooked up dreams imaginable!
I dont smoke it anyway....when i quit smoking tabs a good few years ago i started using patches and i had the worst nightmares of my life. so much so i stopped using the patches and just started smoking again
nah I cant remember having any nightmares since I was 7 or something. I have some canny fucked up normal dreams tho, they freak me out a bit!
i have some trippy dreams like, especially after a weekend like, not that many nightmares though to be honest
I only have the 1 dog.......the other 1 died and that was the whole point in the 1 thread i do one dick head
at least u dont cry in your sleep anymore.....thus no more bruses from the punchs could be the tabs (cigarettes,not acid tabs)
certainly not a patch on threads like this
i have good information you are a complete fairy in real life and have no crack whatsoever?? :spangled:
I don't really remember my dreams.. just tiny blurs that i try to patch together but it never makes sense and i generally lose all memory of it by lunch time. I can hardly ever tell myself it's a dream either like some people can. I wish I could. If I'm in a shitty situation though and i need to run, or someone is after me, I always run like i'm stuck in mud.. and i can't punch anything without dusting their face like an old woman
i used to have 1 as a kid, re-occuring, don't have it anymore but i used to wake up screaming. i'd be in my bedroom, no furniture, no doors or windows, slowly the walls would start moving in, making the room smaller and smaller, ceiling getting lower, i'm trapped, about to be squashed.............. always the same, scared the bejesus out of me
I have one now and again (rarely) where im getting stabbed or something - i think its a deep down fear of mine... and when your trying to run away, its like running through treacle or something?!?! Ill have one where i imagine im running and i suddenly fall down a hole when im falling asleep, and it usually gives me one of those 'epileptic jolt' moments ... Not a nightmare though eh
Totally.. punching is the same too. For some reason you're in the shittest situation of your life and you've lost the ability to run or fight. It's weird cos it used to happen loads when i was little, and i was by far the fastest runner in my year all throughout primary school and some of secondary school and not once did I have a dream where i was running fast!
yeah, i forgot about them, i'm either : 1) unable to hit anyone while trying to defend myself or someone i love, i'm frozen or it's like gravity is holding me back 2) unable to escape something/someone chasing me no matter how hard i try, i can't run or hide u can usually gues what thety mean in real life...