Nights Out In Shields An utter joke. One of, if not the worst place I've ever drank. Having to wear 'shoes' (I don't actually own any shoes, black Diesel trainers had to do!) or else I wouldn't get in anywhere was not a good start, so I wasn't in a very good mood going up there. As we got there though, we got to a bar called Opus (I think?), which was alright. BOGOF offers on drinks, quite empty, Arsenal match on, sorted. Then it started to fill, with a load of pissed arseholes, that nearly resulted in a mass punch-up. After going round a few grotty bars, we were directed toward somewhere I'm todl resembles Buffalo Joe's. I'd like to confirm or deny this comparison, but I can't, as the fucking bouncers wouldn't let me in. Out of a group of six of us, I was the second oldest (Second by only a couple of months!), but no, on presenting various forms of ID from my wallet, I was informed "Driving licence or passport only". "I don't drive though" I piped up. "Passport then?" said meat-head. "Why the fuck am I going to carry my passport around South Shields? I didn't realise I was in a foreign fucking country". So we headed onto Escape, and were told we weren't allowed n there, because my mate was too drunk. Which, to be perfectly fair, he wasn't. He'd only had a few pints and wasn;t acting in any way pissed. Not somewhere I'll be returning to soon :evil:
Re: Nights Out In Shields local place for local people lol nah bouncers in cayotte wild can be nobs, shields has been alright latley with trainers its only good if u dont take it seriously n go 4 a laff
Mate's birthday. Thought we were going to town, turned up at my mate's and was informed we were going to 'Hell'
haha , shields , ya either love it or hate it , can be a good laff but i dont bother that much these days !! As for karl51 ............... ..fidds..
in future learn to just say 'NO', makes life easier (or get friends that go to decent places on a nite out for birthdays!)
ive only ever been to shileds once...when promise played evissa after creamfields......doesnt sound like i wanna go!! lol xx
You learn from your mistakes when your 16years old its great for going out and getting slaughtered but I keep well away now.
Re: Nights Out In Shields Get over it will you!! Your lucky you didn't get into either of the clubs, they are both totally shit. If you had of got into the wannabe Bufffalo place, you would of seen 51 on the roedeo bull, getting chucked off after a minute!!
I'm glad im barred from every nightclub in shields Its a fucking joke place to drink, why you chose to go clubbing there i dunno but whose ever idea it was needs throwing down a flight of stairs
Allie, tbf, they did you a favour. I really dispise drinking thru shields. The pubs are shite, the lads are morons and the lasses are all under 16 and had more shags than Jordan. You need riot gear if you even wana try and get something from McDonalds too. I would rather do a 1000 piece jigsaw of my ceiling than go drinking thru there again.