nights out who did you used to go out clubbin with and do you still go out with them now?? i hardlys see the people i went to crasher with now
Re: nights out i used to go to crasher, gods, sunni d, ibiza basically everywhere with my best mate jane but she lives back home now in macclesfield so i don't see her that often anymore
4 years ago I still go out occasionally with my 1st clubbing mate Nick!!! Then theirs my own group of friends and also my newest friends Miss all the old clubbers though except DAMIEN :evil:
Re: Re: Re: nights out in heaton, the worst part is we are still bestest mates everytime i go home we have such mint banter. I've known her since i was like three, we've been mates ever since, we been through everything together. We even had our first kisses together, awwww
Me & Mick have been living the dream for about 5yrs now! We use to go to Chambers in Sland every saturday, then we found Promise. Chambers :worship: