Not Goin Promise !! Decided against goin this week and instead gonna spend the money i would of spent anyways on a ticket for some kitchen event @ the end of the month at the Telewest Arena up ere ! Ill still be showin my support for all the DJ's in the DJ comp like @ Egypt Cottage beforehand but as for Promise i wont be there as hard as it is to keep away - i say that now like dont i For all that go please take note Halliwell was outstanding @ Crasher on Sunday - when he mixed Exposure into Plastic Boy there was no words that described how i felt @ that time and i think Cassie knew it too Anyways enjoy folks......... :chill:
ill not be there neither due to problems i cant deal with and problems that wernt mine but ill be at the first heat defo.
I would comment on that but i cant handle like i used to and the jaw comments are normally directed @ me so probs best if i say nowt - havin rest now anyways - enjoyed Crasher when i was pissed to be honest instead of the old ear lickin side of it !!!!
LOL @ this thread being totally contradicted by the text message I received half an hour ago See you there Jonny Boy!!!!
me not goin either but 2 weeks and countin till ill b back in newcastle! yay! and will b there every week! (part from wen its closed, grr )
*Hangs head in shame* It dont take much persuading like......... It looks like i shall be making an appearance like
u n me both.... this l be the 3rd week i aint been! i think this is the longest i been wifout clubbin in god knows how many years!!!