Not recording mixes I'm sure people can identify with this. I jumped on my decks a little earlier for something to do, and ended up having just over 2 hours' worth of fucking excellent mix. Three decks, loops, accas, the lot. On finishing this mix, I wish I'd fucking recorded it :evil: I've been trying to get a decent CD done for ages, and I never can. I guarantee that if I try and do a CD, even if I use exactly the same tunes, I'll not like how it sounds. Just had to vent my anger :evil: :argue: :bang: :argue2: :devil: :fuming: :angry:
It happens all the time unfortunately For some reason the second you press the record button all your skills go straight out of the window, your computer hangs and your mixer decides to go tits up.
Got in last night from the Gym, lit up a :chill: and i swear i was absolutely flawless on the CDJ's last night - I only wish i had recorded it, as usually im guaranteed to slip up once or twice in an hour with tunes clapping out at crucial points, or other problems - but this was perfect..... Either that or my perceptions of good and bad were a little blurry
hmmm... never a truer word spoken. many and 'afters' mix where u spend 6-7 hours mixing, sometimes B2B and you think "christ - that was all amazing!" but low and behold, you chucked a tape in at a certain point or started recording on your PC - u listen back a few days later and it sounds like you've dropped your tool box down a long flight of stairs... or it could be just me
i dont really have any problems recording mixes. Its just the planning it out that annoys me. I get vored to quickly.
just got hold of a second hand minidisc player/recorder , only lead to record in tho is an optical lead , any way to convert from optical to audio to go straight in the back of the djm600 or even amp ?
done a few mixes which i was well impressed with only to find my comp had crashed! what a bastard eh??