Notice to all promoters.. As of this week, the only flyers / posters for nights / parties or clubs allowed to be on display in Air Records are those that include the Air Records Logo on print. This is due to the fact that the number of flyers / posters dumped in shop and on poster wall is getting well out of hand, and is a daily job just to tidy up. this is a way of solving it. im sure smaller nights will appreciate it more when they havent got some big bars flyers advertsing 2 for 1 drinks lying onto of theirs. The Air Records Logo is available as a Zipped file containing jpg, bmp, eps and any other formats required. this can be obtained via email - obviously this may take a couple of weeks to implement, and any flyers already in shop won't be chucked out - but hope you understand in the long run. the many nights that currently do display the shops logos on flyer, we thank you for your support. cheers Neil