npower door to door salesmen ....cunts. had one come to my door an hour or so ago, i thought the twat was cemented to my step at one point i know its their job to sell services but ffs why dont they get the hint. anyone else get these annoying cretins at your front door recently?
I get them all the time, i find telling them you already get your power from them works wonders everytime.
We had someone knocking at the door last night, but my mam just says "NOT INTERESTED" and slams the door! He proper rapped on the door aswell, we were in the kitchen and nearly shit ourselves!
had some bird trying to sell us something at the door once, and i just said "look i dont want anything now fuck off politely" as shes walking off up the street, my mother is passing her and stops to speak to her, turns out its one of her pals
Just say on principal you buy nothing from people who knock on doors as you think it incourages more companies to sell like that, tell them to have a nice day and shut the door. Always works for me.
If he's on about Jarrow then ur right. I let them give it there full whack, I ask as many questions as humanly possible till they are blue in the face with talking then just say "not interested" Reel em in till they think they have a sale then piss on them from a great height. Its soooooooo deeply satisfying
iv told you kids before DONT ANSWER YOUR DOOR to ppl you arnt expecting or dont reqonise ESP if wearing a suit.
I had the same problem but with two woman!. They looked so young i thought they were my sisters friends. I got totally confused and told them to come back later. I thought my dad was a customer when not.