Nye I thought I would start a thread every1 could join in with not just boaties. So how was everybodies? I really really enjoyed my night was really good and afters banter was class too. Thinking about "the wrecked polar bear" ,"the black parrot" and various other names people have adapted over the time. Got back last night and still feel a bit sicky but will be fine tomorrow. So what did everyone else get up to? x
We celebrated at 8 over here (12 in England) by saying Happy New Year to each other, then had our meal which consisted of caviar, lobster, oysters, squid and loads loads more. After our meal the entertainers at the hotel put on a Las Vegas show which was really good, the costumes and the dancing were all amazing At around 11.45 we all gathered around the pool and got party bags consisting of Happy New Year hats, party poppers, streamers etc and were all given glasses of Champagne, and we all counted down to midnight everyone went round saying Happy New Year to each other, there was a right mixed bunch, Canadians, Americans, Belgians, French, loads of nationalities. We then crossed the road and saw the best fireworks I have ever experienced in my whole entire life on the golf corse across the road. They were huge, totally lit up the sky and were so big and loud you could actually feel the vibrations in the air form them, they were totally amazing, although we almost got hit by a few stray bits We went to a few bars in the shopping plaza then went to the hotel next door to meet some people we made friends with, includng Ashley from Corrie and celebrated with them for a couple of hours, went back to our hotel as it was nicer partied on for a little bit more then hit the sack Was a really good New Year and I managed to be back on the beach by 9.30am :spangled:
well i did make a total cock of myself just after midnight, i was wasted by the time i made it to the decks and fuck knows why??????? i done this but i put the wrong side of a record on, i put the progressive style original mix on instead of the more upbeat robert nickson mix (elevation - ocean rain)........even when it was pitched up as much as it would go i still didnt realise what id done... just couldnt understand it... so the time came to mix and i knocked the bastard needle off so i sat down for 10 mins and was fine after that but i remember very little of the night......and i will stay sober next time i dj
shopping plaza then went to the hotel next door to meet some people we made friends with, includng Ashley from Corrie and celebrated with them for a couple of hours, went back to our hotel as it was nicer partied on for a little bit more then hit the sack Was a really good New Year and I managed to be back on the beach by 9.30am :spangled: [/B][/QUOTE] Natalie you had a mint Christmas, you have spent the time inbetween topping ur tan and sipping the cocktails by the beach...and when I thought my new year of taking drugs with half the population of newcastles charvers/homos/weirdos in shindig then going to an afterparty whhere proceding to look like the bannister/snake off beetlejuice YOURS HAD TO BE SO MINT AND PERFECT!! yOU OFFICIALLY BANNED FROM MY THREAD YOUNG LADY!
Went down my local for a 'disco'! which they had forgot to book, so they eventually get a spare one delivered at the last minute - minus the dj, lights, and cd's!! So i got asked to set everything up which i did, but it just so happens nowt fookin worked did it!!!!, so we had to settle with the usual juke box backround music all night
Natalie after reading chase's reply your not banned anymore I feel better about my night now...lucky almost.
i had a mint night stay in camp david most of the night got uber wrecked thanks to hoegarden, then after party at ours which i fell asleep for a bit but then got back up and raved a bit more
shit happens man! nah was actually ok, nyd there was better like - started at 4pm n finished at 1am was totally hammered - even better when ya mams paying!!
me, mick, marley and a few others just stayed in mine and had a mix! Quite quiet really i just got mortal, fell asleep about 2 or 3 and woke up feeling like and looking like dog shit. i hate both xmas & new year .
well , had a mint weekend as far as i can remember!! been 2 gods can only remember the first 2 hours (mark eteson) and the last hour (o bir) dunno what is wrong with me latley but everytime i go out clubbing i cant remember fuck all:evil: one thing i can remember tho is falling 10 ft face first off the stage landing in a pile of broken glass, and looks like my wrist has taken the rap! its fookin killing had it in a bandage all day damo has done nothing but talked to total randoms all weekend he ended bringing back a group of (hardcore ravers) back 2 our room and they must of only been 14 years old! apart from that enjoyed nye daytime around birmingham, drinks where pricey but good atmosphere and also gods, mint club rating 8/10