Oakenfold HERO I borrowed micks paul oakenfold cream resident cd it just took me back how good the trance was then and how good this bloke is every tune every mix was class he took me on a journey of real trance just lying on me bed i sat oakey bring ya trance back please it so diffewrnt to what tiesto and pvd play if had to describe it british trance. By the real master I reckon also when he left cream thats when it all went wrong a hero leavs as resi and you replace him with seb fontaine really i dont think they ever expected it to work. he is sesponsable for perhaps the greatest trance remix ever MADSUN WIDE OPEN SPACE PERFECTO MIX
Re: Oakenfold Yeah, Mansun is a class tune and the remix made it trancetastic, it sounds a bit dated now but its still a top tune!
He was fucking garbage at the radio 1 event in Ammnesia this year, but i hear he has rocked the old sugarshack a few times when he has been up here.
oakie I was listerning to the cream resident cd at work last week and thinking exactly the same!! Total legend, good old trance, the way it should be. He still looks like a monkey tho... ..a monkey legend..
Top set - Grace, Mara - One, Space Manouveres Digweed then Sasha kicked his arse that night in the other tent though