ofcome talk talk complaints etc im in a contract with talk talk for some more months but want to get out due to them being totally shite and baically not providing a decent service, some chump at their centre tells me its 70 quid to cancel is this even legal. i told him how they arent providing me with a proper service and i was dupped into the whole 8mb thing and i got no where. they should wear fucking masks
if you are contractually bound then you agreed to the terms that they set out, and are stuck in for the whole term, which i assume is a year. Are you expecting 8mb and not getting it? Because bear in mind it is sold as UP TO 8mb. Probably not a great deal you can do sadly
aye the cunts have me on al fours, LLU doesnt get implemented on my exchange through talk talk till june apparently but sky have had it for donks, free broadbean = trouble, be warned kids
i was supposed to have '8meg' about 5 months ago and everytime i rang up they took the piss blah bah ill pass you onto this person... finally got the net back yday with a different provider - they took the piss cancelling with them too talk talk are fucking shit !