Off work - related question Everyday with the exception of about 3 days for the last month and a bit i have woke up with something wrong with me, it goes something like this. Start of feb - Cold/Flu type symptoms - lasted approximately 1 week AND Start of feb - Back problems - Restricted movement and unbelieveable pain - Lasted about 1 week 2nd week in feb - Sickness, no particular reason i dont think, just throwing up - lasted a few days 3rd Week in feb - Back Problems AGAIN! Woke up and couldnt get out of bed as my back was SOOOO painful (went to doctors yesterday as still knacking and was told to take paracetamol, which i though was a bit harsh given how much it's effecting my everyday life) - lasted till now??? Today (3rd march) - I have woke up with a massive mouth infection due to a bit of useless skin (worried about where this is going? ha ha) over my wisdom tooth!!! Cant speak properly (a bit like the people on jeremy kyle) and feels like i've been hit over the face with a sledge hammer!!! I am NEVER genuinely really ill, bit i feel like i am falling to bits! What the hell is going on?
i've been like that recently... worked where i work for 2 years, never had 1 day off sick till Decemeber Dec - fucked my back - 2 weeks off cause i couldn't walk Jan - 4 days off with a Cold Feb - Allergic reaction to something, 2 days off had to have a 'Return to work' interview cause i'd 'taken too much time off' --wwhhhaattt? I'M NEVER ILL AND NEVER OFF! Just bad luck/coincidence , thats all you can put it down to, unless you're really run down, tired, not eating a proper diet etc...
I forgot about the question part of the thread. I'm not off ill from work today i have holidays in, however i have been off 1 day in feb, given all my problems. I am already on a stage 1 sick at work. How do i convince them not to give me a stage 2 sick for that 1 day off in feb given that i have still managed to go into work all the otherr times i have been ill??? Thank you for all your comments.
it depends how tight they are - i explained my circumstances, said i'd never been off, had a sick note for the 2 weeks off, the 4 days off with cold were under the 'self certification' rule and so were the 2 days - it didn't matter i had mitigating circumstances - "it was procedure" phah. i'm not much help am i?
Sounds like your immune system is on the blink. Drink more fluids, take a super multivitamin each day and start taking things like fish oil for your joints and immune system. As MOS says, its funny how over the space of a few years it becomes quite obvious how you feel or how good your health becomes in terms of how well or bad you treat your body. Old age
no, no, thats cool. NEXT QUESTION - i have been trying to get tomorrow off work as holiday so i can celebrate my birthday in style tonight, and my manager knows i am desperate for tomorrow off, but it's not looking as though i can. However my recent gum problems are causing me major pain and given that i work on telephones and can hardly speak, not really much good at work am i??? I have an emergency appointment at the dentist today to get it looked at. However i'll feel ridiculously suspicious saying i need tomorrow off sick, because of this when i have been trying so hard for holidays! What should i do?
I have a good diet, i eat good food which is healthy and made by my own fair hands!!! Plenty veg, and i have made a point since beginning of january to drink loads of water every day. I think i am just on the blink!!!
Well you might do good to give your immune system a bit of a boost if your going through a bit of a rough patch? ... not saying your an unhealthy person at all - but then again this is the season for people getting all kinds of viruses and crap ........ I know ive had some kind of cough or virus off and on for weeks and weeks now from stinking commuter trains...
Holland and barret have their one a day multivitamins on from 6.99 for 100 down to 1.99 or something ..... take one or two of those a day - sorted. Dont bother with the brand name rubbish - just the same thing but with the price bumped up alot of the time.
ropey ground... LEGITIMATELY you could take the day off sick - HOWEVER if they're being arsey with you anyway and they know it's your birthday - it'll be more ammunition for them.... letter of the law is in your favour - however it doesn't always work like that... I'd go in tomorrow, let them see how bad you are, see you've tried to come in - then say after an hour - you're going to have to go home...
this is well spooky...... feb I had cold/flu thing that wouldn't seem to clear up and then I got back pain thought maybe I'd pulled a muscle in my lower back but it felt like it also might be kidneyish maybe. That is just going now but started yesterday with pain in wisdom tooth that feels like it's coming loose or something, gums red. eek
Exactly what I was going to say. Go in at first to show willing, and pretend you are determined to work the whole day. When I've done this I've usually been sent home after a couple of hours.
do you all think it would be wise to get a note from the dentist or something just to prove i am being geniue?