Off work how come everytime i am off work i wake up at a ridiculous hour, i've had hardly any sleep all weekend, didnt come to bed till after midnight last night yet i still woke up at 6am.......i dont even get up for work that early when i am in!!! Last week i was on 1pm - 9pm shifts at work and was stuggling to get out of bed at 11am..... Mainly due to lack of sleep this weekend you would think my body would need more sleep, yet here i am at 7:20am still up trying to get a couple more hours before i endure the metrocentre for xmas shopping
I was in bed all the time....i gave up in the end and just got a shower and tidied up a bit and now i am going shopping!!! I dont do Nytol, if my body doesnt want to sleep then i wont force it....besides sleeping takes up too much of life as it is, so i shall do more with my awake time So i will not moan ever again about rising early
This always happens to me too Even at weekends i dont normally sleep in after 10.30 unless I was up really late the night before. Day off today and I was in Newcastle at 9:30am Just couldnt sleep
GUTTED!!! Today i have managed to sleep a whole 12 hours!!! wake up and i cant pull myself round and i am feeling sick and head coldy!!! Guess who is coming down with something???