Ola from Majorca Hello!!!!!!! How r u all? I´m well not used 2 these spanish keyboards yet so there will be little more puncution in this post! Im having a gud time, the weather is a bit too hot for me tho and it is way too quiet! There´s too many families with little annoying kids and there is little in the way of talent. It´s either jail bait or young mums, neither of which take my fancy....contrary 2 popular belief!! I´m hoping 4 a better turn out of nice girls when I return 2 Promise to make up 4 it tho so try ur best! I´m still enjoying the break tho. It´s a nice change from Britain! Hope ur all well and that u enjoy Promise 2nite! See u all soon.
Hope you are well too! Big hello from me! see you at promise when u get back!!!!!!!!! HAVE A GOOD HOLIDAY!
you lucky lucky lucky guys, wish i was going on holiday hope you have a good time lee and see u when u get back remember the frankie hand vibe!!!!!