Old skool cartoons

Discussion in 'Fun Stuff' started by GeordieLee, Apr 1, 2004.

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  1. GeordieLee

    GeordieLee Registered User

    May 27, 2002
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    Old skool cartoons


    The theme tune from Button Moon rocks! :king:

    So does the familyness one................

    MacToot blows on his bagpipes [bagpipe sound]
    While Elspeth and Angus watch those notes go floating across the waves!

    Ferocious Ness appears at once, and grabs a note or two for lunch, [crunch, crunch]
    And the whole of the Family Ness is not too far behind!

    Sporty Ness leaps over him, turns upside down then dives back in,
    And the beautiful Lovely Ness shows she's the kissing kind! [mwah]

    Eyewit-Ness comes up for air and takein' notes without a care,
    Then turns with a crash and a bash and a splash - to the Family Ness.

    You can knock it,
    You can rock it,
    You can go to Timbuktu,
    But you'll never find a Nessy in the zoo.
    You may see an Anaconda, or Giraffe and Kangaroo,
    But you'll never see a Nessy in a zoo.

    Or how about...........

    He's the greatest,
    He's fantastic,
    Wherever there is danger he'll be there!
    Hes the ace,
    He's amazing,
    He's the strongest, he's the quickest, he's the best!

    I should really get out more! :rolleyes: :D
  2. 1615634792921.png

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