On a train at 501kph!! Have a look at this! Tis fucking mad.. the speed is insane. I need to go to Japan.. they seem to have all the cool stuff there.. bar sushi
aye its a mag lev,,,the principal of negative and negative (or postive whichever) repelling forces the train an the strip apart, no wheels=less friction=SPEED
theyve had the bulet which works exactly the same for donkeys,, they do have all the good gear over there like,,would be mad flying along to carlisle at 300mph instead of 50mph on some clapped out metty train
Aye.. reverse polarity effect. Two magnets act against each other and the object theoretically will float in mid air..
i've been on those fast trains...... it's like zzzzzzoooooooooom oh here we are get egg nigori which is egg ommlette sushi miyasaki beef which is the tastiest meltiest beef ever & chicken or pork damburi which is rice with meat & an egg cracked on top. the food is so hot it cooks the egg on your food & you mix it up so your rice turns to egg fried rice i hate sea food & survived
shame our trains only get to do about 50 at best cos of shite railway networks and again trains. they should build a track for one of these things in a staight direct line fromnewc to london
they don't get samonela over there so it's safe to do it & it cooks so it turns your rice into egg fried rice
yup everything i more reliable than the metro...in russia they count down 3 mins between trains...sometimes it's not even that long til the next one I travelled on the trans-mongolian & it even had a timetable for when we stopped...it was never more than a few mins out