One day on Mount Everest

Discussion in 'Fun Stuff' started by Amyblah, Nov 17, 2002.

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  1. Amyblah

    Amyblah Registered User

    Dec 19, 2001
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    One day on Mount Everest

    Ten blondes and a brunette went on a climbing trip to Mount Everest. Near the top of the mountain, the group slipped and began to fall, and all eleven ended up clinging precariously to a wildly swinging rope, suspended from a crumbling outcropping over the cliffs below.

    The rope was beginning to slip, and they decided as a group that one of the party should volunteer and let go to save the rest, else the rope would break and everyone would perish.

    For an agonizing few moments no one volunteered.

    Finally, the brunette said, "I'll do it," and gave a truly touching speech, saying she would sacrifice herself to save the lives of the others, who had so much to live for.

    The ten blondes applauded.
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