Orange Network Is there something wrong with it? Because the last four text messages i have sent, i have not received a reply. Either that, my phones bust, or everyone hates me.
Been on Orange for years. Never had a problem before. Probs my phone. Il try sticking the Sim Card in another phone.
Nah, Nokia. Ive had it three years like. They keep sending my updated handsets, but i always just keep the old one. First phone they sent me was too big, next was a Siemens and i have no idea how to use it!
nah thats a problem that ALL networks siffer from at times. the network "forgets" you are logged on. so you detatch from it for a sec by going onto another one...then back on and it re-registers u and pushes ur txts thru
well I've never had any delayed txt problems so how can you say it happens on all networks it doesn't happen to me.
because i can. because it does. just cos it aint ever happened to you (that you know of) doesnt mean it doesnt happen on all networks from time to time its just how it is.