Otis otis reading anyone else think this man is cool as fuck? im listening to his greatest hits album now and its amazing. i likeloads of stuff like this, curtis mayfield, marvin gaye, nina simone etc anyone else like this stuff?
the drifters, otis reading, stevie wonder, the eagles, marvin gaye, mama's & papa's etc r all fucking quality!!!
"sitting on the dock of the bay, watch my friends roll away....." that song is lush on a summers evening.... i also like the four tops & all of that sort of motown! & then the jacksons as well, & the surpremes!!! bring back the 60's & the music from there...free love, lots of drugs & damm fine music!!
I'm a big fan of Otis Reading, Barry white etc. I like Neil Diamond loads too. I get loads of stick from my mates for that