Outback - State of Emergency .... Quite possibly the only tune that would make me cry on the dancefloor right now... or it could just be my hayfever kicking off again .... Damn what a TUNE!!! With trance going through a shit patch right now (IN MY OPINION) ... this is a shining light through the void of rubbish trance tunes. Anyone else a fan? (yeh yeh, dont give me grief over the whole "cry on the dancefloor" thing... its just a term )
Re: Outback - State of Emergency second that. Trance by numbers everywhere, nothing stand out. This tune is good, I'm sure even Armin was struggling last Thursday aswell
Re: Outback - State of Emergency i would disagree really...i've started to get some really good stuff again recently, i think it is just coming out of a bad patch! for example last night i played an hour and a half of constant trance, which i ideally wouldn't do....but a few weeks ago i wouldn't have been able to due to the lack of decent tunes!