Pain in I am in a canny bit of pain...think i might have trapped a nerve or something, any one got any advice on how to fix it, please
im off wed and NYE, but what the hell, at least im saving a bit of cash, if i was off work id be going out a lot lot more
hahaha that was advice. When you get back book an appointment or ring NHS direct, trapped nerves can get really painfull and the only person that can actually fix it is going to be a doctor. It's usually not the type of pain that a few paracatemol is going to make magically vanish either. You could always try blakeys reccomendation if you've got any. Where do you work?
Thanks hun, i might ring them cos its getting canny worse I work at T-mobile in call centre, so sitting in front of computer prob isnt helping
Erring on the side of caution, I wouldn't to be honest mate. Whilst Deep Heat is good for some muscular strains, if it's an inflamation then it may aggrevate it. Take something for the pain (Ibruprofen or Cocodamol) and go to docs is probs best answer.
Well its took 5 days and lods a pain killers nut its better now thankfully..... thought i was gonna end up with my arm in a sling and boogying at the boat with 1 arm