Parking tickets got one in nottingham for parking the car outside a cafe for 5 minutes. the fellas ticket says he watcned it for 5 mins, so i take that to mean if theres no permit on ya window ya cant stay there atall, anyways round this, no loopholes no one wants to cast my way. i was gonna just say i went to the shop to buy somet basically and ther was no where else to park, plus it says its outside a rediential structure, but it was parked outside a cafe. i noticed another car had one but there was a motorbike that got away with it
If you do the crime then pay the fine! These rules are there for a reason, you wouldn't want someone parking in your front garden now would you? How much is it then squire?
its only 30 if i pay within a fortnight, 60 after. fact is it says residential area but it was a cafe...
you shouldnt have got it there like i used to park there all the time and had nee bother. unlucky bastard