Parties There seems to have been loads recently and I always end up making a complete arse of myself! Me and Katie went to one last night and me and my friends snuck bottles of wine in our bags :blush: so it didn't take long to get pretty drunk..esp as the treble vodkas were flowing after that so me and Katie ended up going to love dough (ergh) ...all I can remember is staggering out..getting a hotdog and getting mustard all over my face Does anybody have any funny memories at stuff they have done at parties held in bars n stuff?
I seem to be a general hazzard to myself when I'm hammered so most probably! I always seem to be running off and hiding somewhere as i think I've done something cheeky. LAst year went on a bar crawl for my birthday and ended up in the dreaded Blubamboo, i could barely see let alone have a decent conversation and decdided to go around pointing out all the fatties to my friends (much to their dismay) and shouting FATTY and poking them as i did so ( in a little britain stylee). I then would peg it into a crowd to hide! I remember finding this highly amusing! I ahve many stories Jess do not worry. I am an obscene drunk especially at the moment when i don't seem to know my limit!
think i just need to stop for a while i think, its getting embarrassing. COnsidering 8 people text me last week to check i was at home or even alive! This worries me a little!
I lose something different everytime I go out (no not knickers before u nasty people comment on the whole board bike thing )
i haven't lost anything yet (touch wood) and I do know people who get hammered more often than i do so it makes me feel a bit better
I forgot about the party I went to where my friend Helen (a lot of you will know her shes the hot blonde) she made me steal a zimmer frame from the toilets n go on thw dance floor with it...i turned around and she had ran off and was laughing at me and I was just standing there with the zimmer frame publicly :blush: we also decided to make use of the library there n give books to people (think I got some bizarre robot one)!
i'll make sure i'm there when you do, cause something tells me, unless your supervised you both will not get home ok.
shhhhhh i am a very responsible girl! Unfortunately for you you've missed out on my most recent attrosities. In fact i'm very well behaved when i'm out with your lot ha ha :angel2:
i only have a few when i go out then a few soft drinks in between, dont see the point in getting lathered like
aint he, the whole piont in going out is to get bonzatastically fucked up to heaven and back:spangled:
Loads of funny stuff has happened at parties theres too much stuff to list. Proudy last weekend was too funny for words when he was pretending to be the news reporter downstairs... "Are you absolutely fucked?" Some poor kid came back to the afterparty with us and left about 3 hours later so so so confused. I cant go into detail about it on here
to be honest, i can have a good night out without drinking a single drop of alcohol! if you need to enhance a night out by taking drugs, drinking alcohol etc, theres something wrong with you like! but obvisouly this is my opinion