Passports I need to have a passport by monday as i lost my last one on holiday so have to go to Durham on saturday (i have an appointment) to get it... The passport agency say its not guaranteed they'll give me it on the spot as i lost my last one so was wondering if anyone had any advice on what to take with me (obviously i will fill the forms in correctly etc) i was thinking driving licence, birth certificate, pay slips. Anyone had any experiences like this?
i havent but proof of address and geta professional person your doctor or sumat to signa letter confirming your address and name that should work
I've just got visions of taking all the proof they need: national insurance, address, I D, blood type, shoe size & them fucking me off for something daft!
I have but they stressed it wasn't guaranteed, hence why i asked if anyone had any experiences like this
I had one of these appointments not so long ago! As long as all the forms are filled in correctly and your phots signed it will be cush. I think i took my birth certificate, bank statment, VISA bill and a few other odds and sods just incase! My appointment was also on a saturday, i recieved it back on the Tuesday it cost £70 though . I'm sure the said to me if you pay a bit more extra over £70 you would get it sooner! Hope this helps mate
Let this be a lesson to 1) Not lose your passport 2) Dont realise at the last minute that youve lost your passport But hope ya get it sorted
Don't hold me to this but i think it could be either, next day by special delievery or Four hour service not to sure mate. Soz
I knew within hours i'd lost it originally! only found out i needed it this morning! (For a job i'm starting.. long story)