Payday Dont you just love payday when your bank account gets loaded with a couple of grand knowing youve earned all that last month doing fuck all at work. Ahhh the joy before all the bills come out!!
You will one day you've got to get through all your years of studying yet Ive been at this for 8 years and it never tires when my bank account numbers go up loads
are you trying to impress a certain girl with the size of account?? are you compensating for something ??
No not at all I just like it when Ive hardly done any work all month and get paid a fortune. I cant flash it about anyway at least 2/3 of it will go on bills and other things and definatly no im not compensating for something
I too love it when i get paid millions for wearing trendy jumpers and pointy shoes and trying to impress girls a decade younger than me with my wiley internet ways. ps. I'm cool.
You're only setting yourself up for a fall mate. BenC would embarrass you with his impressive girth. It's nearly as fat as his wallet i hear.
yeah, ive heard those rumours too oh well, i guess the world will have to wait a bit longer to hear about just how amazing i am
If you lot want to join the club all you have to do is ask, you get a free newsletter every month regarding my shoe shopping and money income and you also recceive a free badge and mug with my face on so you can be recognised in the streets. Just say the word and it can be done
lend me a tenner then I'll pm you my bank details and you can pay it in before the bank closes tonight cheers mate
Seeing as though your the first to apply from this board I'll give you 1 year memeber ship free, if you pm me your address and send me your email address I'll add you to me ever so growing database of fun time people
i feel bad now i retract what i said in my my 1st post i think you should all take a look at your own size before commenting on others