Paypal Help Needed Can someone let me know the crack with it please ?!?! I have asked this before, however it went over my head then and probs will again actually... I have to pay for something on Ebay asap, the total isnt alot but still it needs paid. I have money in my Barclays Acc which is the one used for Paypal, if i pay will the money then just come out straight away to the person's setup Acc or do i have to transfer funds over and the likes to Paypal then pay ?!?! Danke :laugh: i can see alot of money being waxed on here like once i find out how to do it properly like.
just pay through ebay, using the pay now button. It will direct you to paypal, and you just go from there. you dont need to transfer anything first. Paypal will take the £££ from your bank account itself...
wot he said but it dosent always come straight out , sometimes a day or 2 later , just incase u look at your balance and think u have more and spend it !!!
it probably reserves it though does it not? liek say you buy something for 50quid. it'll say balance £500 available £450 ? i think thats what happened with me