pensions can anyone reccomend a decent one, i'm 25 & think its about time, well actually its past time but better late than never please help me i'm rubbish when it comes to things like this!
all pensions are a risk also if u die all funds go back to the company NOT your family. buy a house instead
thanks for the sound advice pike...don't really want to buy a house tho cos i don't plan on being round here after the next 2 yrs...
just like a savings account but the bext ones lock your money in for long periods of time more info :
Thats incorrect - it depends on what kind of pension you have. For instance, if you take out a pension with my company, you end up taking out a PERSONAL pension, for which the company makes contribution into - meaning if you die, only the people who you list are the beneficiaries. You can choose different types of pensions either - which are invested in different ways and have different returns of course. Either way, the best thing about pensions is that the company will match your contribution BEFORE tax, meaning if i paid 60 quid into a pension - with the tax added back on, thats more like 100 pounds, which the company doubles - so 200 quid a month being invested for only 60 pounds from you (apologies if you already know that)
agreed i work with pensions but not enough to give advice its such a comlicated and important issue seeing a financial adviser is the best way
I was thinking about a pension but i've decided on a high interest account instead as I don't have an employer to contribute to mine (well, i do but its me!).