people i hav a blackhead on me face why is it that my mum infaticly wants 2 pop it! and so does amy im like just leave it alone but it boils there piss im not pickling it, why do people want 2 pick other peoples spots
i dont no, i can understand mams not minding, but when your gf wants to its just wierd, a lad i used to knock about with always tried to do it if i had one. fuckin wierdo like!
My ex always wanted to mess with any spots I had. At first it annoyed me but I actually started to quite like it, quite relaxing.
My own but i would pick a female associates scabs. I also like picking off skin when people are peeling. You get a feeling of satisfaction when you peel a big piece away without it ripping off, much like you do when scraping wallpaper off. Or the moment of satisfaction you get from standing in dog shit, the slide of the foot across the ground does it for me like.
I remember when i had pretty bad sunburn and spotted some skin peeling off, so i pulled it n it took half of my chest off, that wasnt really satisfying as it fookin killed!
:sick: When I worked at the pub I used to get really bad dry feet, my little bro used to beg me to let him peel all the dry skin off :sick: