Pepsi Max Cino (Coffee) and Diet Cherry Coke Can you get these up north yet. Just noticed the new diet cherry coke on monday and im already hopelessly addicted to it - its the nuts! .... Tesco had ran out of it by today so i went on a hunt around town for it only to find a completely different new drink within the same week .... COFFEE PEPSI MAX!!! Both get the thumbs up
Re: Pepsi Max Cino (Coffee) and Diet Cherry Coke That is just wrong. Coffee isn't meant to be cold and it certainly isn't meant to be mixed with pepsi :sick:
As a man of fine tastes, i can assure you they are the divine ambrosia. In other words - they are worth a try.... go on, be naughty!
Re: Pepsi Max Cino (Coffee) and Diet Cherry Coke yep- i work for Mills newsagents in whitley bay at head office there is a crate of the coffee pepsi in the kitchen- its fucking vile stuff
Im gona have to try that coffee pepsi max it sounds either lush or rank. Cherry 7 Up is the daddy for me
Anyone remember those tiny exotic flavour cans of pepsi you could get.. This was about a decade ago.. I was heartbroken when they stopped making the stuff
coke are dropping all flavours except normal and cherry i think i want blueberry milkshakes in macdee's
Sounds disguisting! Was browing around recipies yesterday and found a site devoted to cooking using pepsi and coke