Pete Robinson @ 55 degrees North Good News Everyone! I'm the new Resident DJ every Sunday Nite @ 55 degrees North. Playing Soulful U.S and Latin House from 9-1am They want me to come up with a name for the night which reflects the stuff i'm playing and the kinda Bar it is, without sounded shite! Any Help from you guys would be much appreciated!!!! Got high expectations for this place, looking nice inside too! just hope them hairy arsed builders can get it finished for Wednesday (The Grand Opening!) All I've came up with so far is 'Nocturnal Pleasures' & 'Refined' for the Name........ What do you Board Members Reckon???????
Last Nite..... Went to 55 degrees North last nite for the Grand opening before I went to Bust @ Foundation. Really really Pleased with the Decor inside. Sound system seemed ok, just like an up market Revolution really. But I think its gonna a nice high profile Residency for me to have and the best thing about it is that it doesn't interfere with my Fridays @ Promise/Quality and it leaves my Saturdays open for Gigs elsewhere such as Goodgreef House Party! See ya's down there
i think "RAZOR" would be a good name, as would "SLUTFEST", or if you're looking for simplicity, "FELCH" would be to the point.
The sound system has blew already What a fucking crease, it sounded like a shitter Egypt Cottage on saturday night before i went to the Shindig ! Its only been open since wednesday Other than that its sound
Nice 1 Liam! 'Slutfest' and 'Felch' aren't quite what i had in mind Liam!!! I'm liking 'Nautical Rhythms' Tho! Ties in with the hole 55 degrees north thing too! and it works! Nice one mate! Last night was cool, just played really nice soulful stuff all night and got some good feedback from everyone!
Nice one Liam! Not quite what i had in mind! I'm liking Nautical Rhythms tho, keepin in with the 55 degrees theme & all! Similar to 'Latitude' too!
Re: Pete Robinson @ 55 degrees North hope it goes well for you m8, u enjoy nic fanciulli & paul woolford at the dig a couple of weeks ago?
Sound Systems ok! The sound system was crystal clear on Sunday when i was playing (Apart from the lack of monitors!) I think that lad on Saturday was either maxing the mixer out because he had the amps turned down, or his needles were fucked cos it did sound like a wasp farting in a jar! I was embarrased for him! The sound system is really nice tho. As for shindig it was class the other week mate when Nic Fancuilli was on! Stayed to the last song as per!
Middle of a Roundabout! Its in the middle of Swan House roundabout (The one you have to go round after crossing the tyne bridge on the way to promise. Its got loads of posh flats above it and big banners saying be the 'Centre of Attention' although I wouldn't fancy paying £100,000 for a flat in the middle of a roundabout (Even tho it would be ideal for post Promise shenanigans!)
Latitude it is... Yeah Liam you tit! We're going for the name 'Latitude' as its a hybrid of 'Latin' & 'Attitude' and it ties in with the 55' North theme too! There gonna be promoting the night into the new year too, to try and pull peeps in. Really enjoyed the last 2 weeks playin really down tempo and soulful stuff. Even tho it doesn't feel or sound quite as nice on a cold wet sunday night in Newcastle as it would in the blazin sun of the balearics! As Mark Deakin says though, you'll never get the same buzz from playin 'Background' music in trendy bars as what you get playin clubs and i never wanna be labelled a 'bar DJ' like many DJ's on the Newcastle circuit are. So roll on Boxing Day cos I love playin the Backroom and seeing people dance to music i'm passionate about! Basically Music is my Drug and my Detox and I fuckin Love it! See ya's on boxin day! Pete