Pete Tong says there are 18-year-olds who have never seen vinyl Superstar DJ Pete Tong says there are 18-year-olds who have never seen vinyl. Surely he's got it all wrong? Where did it all go so Pete Tong for vinyl? The man himself - whose name roughly means "wrong" in rhyming slang - says digital technology is now so dominant records are completely extinct in some young people's lives. "I played a seven-inch vinyl set recently and discovered there are 18-year-olds who have never seen vinyl," he says in an interview in this month's Wired magazine. <full story>
I respect pete tong, but i think he's starting to make a tit of himself with these old school opinions on dj'ing. Back 'in the day' he was cool because being a dj meant you had industry connections, access to new music before everyone else etc etc... ... Nowadays the 'kids' can make their own music and arguably mix it better than he ever could - he's basically trying to regress clubbing just so he can get back what he once had. He needs to stick to doing what he does best - his radio show and the essential mix.