petray foy only heard this guy once at foundation and i thought he was shit hot like, but never heard him or any sets since then so anyone got a link to any set's by him much appreciated
my mate knows kres really well, et him quite a few times used to have a few mixes he had done on cd but dont know where they have gone, proper sound lad and got a nice bird too good at scratchin
i it was some night that like john, he was shit hot to be fair like i can remember him playing a remix of picottos awsome would love to here somemore from him
I think he was on before Marco V ?!?! Marco played some techno version on a "Shut Up" tune and the bungee rope was out for me and Nicky off the balcony
Did he not end up going on before Hardwick or something? I remember the argument that ensued after mark fucked up the set times. Was one of the better techno sets I've heard in Foundation though.
Might have went Petrae, Hardwick, Marco V or something like that then. Was that the same night Sheridan was on early and was absolutely class?