Phone Help!! Right need a bit of help here! Well asking on behalf of my brother and dad! What do I need to do to swap networks but keep the same number, wanna swap from virgin to 02, I heard I need a code from one of the 2 networks?!?? and also my dad has a new motorola V3 Razr phone, it was on 02, he got it unlocked to any network but when he tried to out his virgin sim in it, it comes up 'enter subsidy code' WTF is that??!? Anyone help me?? Cheers
you need to buy a new simcard for the network u want to move to and then get the port number/code from your current network i think. I overheard someone in a phone shop say that. 02 has a number u can phone and they'll transfer your number over tho their network for u.. it's a £1 per minute number though (at least it used to be but they've changed the number now because the one i phoned from my phone book was out of date). Just ask what to do exactly - phone the 02 helpline or something.
Re: Phone Help!! 1. Ring Virgin and ask for a PAC Number (Porting Authorisation Code) , for Virgin its usually VGNXXXXXX (where x = numbers) and you give that to your new network and then 7 days from when you recieve your new phone , your number will transfer across (they will give you a temporary number during the 7 days) 2. Subsidy Code aka Unlocking Code (which allows you to use a different networks sim card in your phone) can be obtained from your current provider or a search on Google may also reveal the answer
Re: Phone Help!! i can help chicken!!! To take your number from virgin to o2 you need to get a PAC code from virgin then give it to o2 once youve opened an account with them. Subisdy code means it isnt unlocked, the subsidy code is whats needed to unlock it, once thats been entered any sim will work. if hes already had it unlocked i would tell him to go back to where ever has done it
THANKS PEOPLE!! Thats what I thought Cazz, the bloody phone shop should have known the subsidy code! Ripping bastards! Thats the fuking phone doctors in benwell for you!!!