Photo Paper

Discussion in 'Technology' started by hodge1982, Feb 15, 2004.

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  1. hodge1982

    hodge1982 Registered User

    Jul 3, 2003
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    Sunny Durham
    Photo Paper

    I've just recently been getting a HP5650 deskjet printer. With the printer we ended up with some free samples of HP photo paper. That was used up pretty quickly, and unfortunately, I can't remember any details for it. To replace the paper I used, I bought some A4 Kodak paper, and some Epson 4 x 6 paper, neither of which have produced the same kind of results as the HP stuff with the Kodak paper being especially poor in comparison.

    Just wondering if anyone has any recommendations over which paper to use, if the type of printer affects the type of paper I should use, and what all this 190g/m2 / 180 microns stuff means? I take it that the higher the value of both of these, the higher the quality of print?? :D

    Fank yoo!
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. hodge1982

    hodge1982 Registered User

    Jul 3, 2003
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    Sunny Durham
    Re: Re: Photo Paper

    Thought this would be the case...excuse my stupidity :D

    Again thought this would be the case....robbing bast*rds!!!

    Its not really going to be used for printing out hundreds of photos...just selected ones off nights out and stuff. I've probably used it quite a bit recently, but I think thats just until the novelty of it wears off. You're right about the paper and ink being overpriced though....the paper especially so.
  4. loopyloosy

    loopyloosy Registered User

    Feb 19, 2002
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    location, location.
    aye bloke in london when ness and i went last year had the right idea - took photos on his digital camera of families and couples whilst on the london bridge (the one next to the houses of parliment) got one of them printers that connected to the camera, printed one off and charged a fiver for it.

    fucking scam.

    .....wish i had thought of it!:lol:

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