pissed charva had this stupid little fucka in the bar last night he gave me a tenner and swears it was a 20 when i gave him his change he was addement and would'nt shut up. i told him to wait till 2 o'clock when i done the till and i would prove him wrong, he replied right if you have ripped me and i prove you wrong al rag u about out side so i just in his face and say's right fair enough but if i prove you wrong im gona show you up in front of your mates by braying you and even if i have ripped you im gona keep your money and still lash u for your cheek so go and come back at 2 i've got people to serve 5 min's later he was back at the bar so was ready to just fling him out if he started his cheek next thing i knew he was offering an appology saying he forgot he'd gave his 20 quid to the taxi driver and it was a tenner he gave me and that he wanted to by me a drink fucking idiot charvas = fucking tools
worse than that it's next door to ikon (fusion) and saturday night is charva night some ones ear was bit off a few weeks back did'nt see it like but my uncle was looking round the floor for the missing bit as he's the owner did'nt find it like the lad who done it must of just been hungry and ate it