Polish tradesmen.... Im surprised at the number of people who comment on things that they have had done, serviced, built or whatever... by Polish people (or other former eastern block countries). The interesting thing here is that the quality is either as good as, or better than what our own people can do. Case in point, ive just been to a barbers on my lunch hour in Richmond upon thames, and have went straight back to our polish barbers who spend ages on your hair, using razor blades for precise areas, talc, proper brushes, different clippers etc etc - you know the score. I made a deliberate point in tipping this guy heavily (and the foxy bird who did it the time before aswell) and came out feeling like i had actually gotten my moneys worth! (for once). The point here is that you almost get a sense of pride in this people for what they do - and the fact that they do it PROPERLY. .... But walk into supercuts, or another cheap barbers, or call a plumber or capenter and whats the chances you'll worry at the back of your mind just how ripped off your about to be for an inferior begrudged service. I guess the point is - where is the pride in having a trade or a skill these days - and why dont you get the feel for that from your OWN people. Is a plumber really worth 60 quid an hour.... or a corgi trained gas heater installer? Has anyone else had any good or bad experiences with tradespeople from other countries? Either way, you have to agree this is an interesting topic. DISCLAIMER : Im well versed in global PC considerations. So dont even try to pick fault with my choice of the word 'THESE PEOPLE' or 'OUR OWN' - im being ironic.
Yeah i noticed a similar thing when i got my haircut a while back, don't know what nationality he was but he took a lot more time/effort over what he was doing than most would. I didn't tip him like
Re: Polish tradesmen.... +1 I agree totally - and when I have done the hoovering I'll give you some crack about the bad tradesmen in this country - worked in building trade for 4 yrs, seen some shit!!
i went to a local barber, local geordie rif-raf.. spent all the time (8 mins i reckon) talking about his 'bitch ex-wife'... AND i always tip. Had to get our lass to tidy up all the long bits, crap finishing etc i'm starting to lose faith with local barbers....
In gerenal it seems that when people work for a big company they have less pride for what they do than say if they owned their own business. I guess a lot of people would have more pride for their own barbers shop than they would if they worked for a large company where loads of other employees were taking their jobs less than seriously too ........ I'm not saying it's right, i just think it's often true ........
There is a Polish bloke at work and he can't get enough of the stuff. Proper trys to rinse the overtime, he is genuinely obsessed with money. Just been back to Poland to visit his family for christmas and went on the ship yards for two weeks hahaha. Fair play to him, he might be stubborn and often annoying but he fills a gap that I refuse to fill.
Theres a polish girl in our office who could easily be on the front of Vogue. Plus, they can cook up a storm!
Re: Polish tradesmen.... OF COURSE they fucking try harder you stupid cunts its their only fucking selling point.......... if they dont make the grade of offer THIS COUNTRY something extra then they get shipping back to Siberia (hopefully). This isnt something English workers have to worry about as WE BELONG HERE
my dad bought a house in jesmond and had it converted from two to three bedrooms!! They done a well good job!!!!
Polish bus drivers:- I love the way they charge me 37p instead of 1.50 to get from my bfs house to town, I don’t like the way they are always late due to not being able to speak to customers All in all there ok
they arent simply better at their job because they have more skill, theyre better because theres added presure on them to make sure its done properly or they will face gong back to warsaw to earn 46p per hour instead of £10