Powergen - I hate you Just moved from powergen after a year of below average crappy service now to put the icing on the cake they have taken payment for my final gas bill by direct debit AFTER I had paid it by card, leaving me overdrawn and with a £30 charge. Had a big argument with the call centre and they have agree to pay my bank charges. If anyone works for Powergen please go and kick a manager really hard.
Just send them the shittiest email I could manage threatening to take my story to all the news agencies that supply Bella, Take a Break and other human interest bobbins as well as any other journo with a consumer rights column. Maybe a bit OTT but I feel better.
They had been taking money out my mums account directly saying it was a certain amount each month then all of a sudden they went we have been undercharging so there is a 1000 pound bill for u to pay!
same thing happened to me, not quite 1000 quid though, gotta pay it back at 54 quid a month for ages, tossers
PRINCESS JANE they told us our bills would be £50 a month, seemed cheap but that is why we chose them Then after 8 months they landed us with a £350 bill. Claimed we should have been paying £80 a month and on closer inspection they ahd only been crediting the gas side of the account, not the 'leccy, which they denied until I went through my bills one at a time and pointed out there was a £50 credit for gas every month and 0 for electricity. I paid the bill off over three months, only got £50 knocked off and that was after again threatening media attention and OFGEM, then I left as soon as the account was clear. JUST SAY NO TO POWERGEN KIDS!
I'm too busy to go and pay the bluddy things personally and what's the alternative, let Jeff sort it out after his afternoon nap? I think not...
Come into the 21st Pikey no-one does cheques now..all that waiting for them to present nonsense causing overdraft trauma means more £ for the greedy banks.. Plus we have a joint account and Scott and Jeff can't write yet
Why do standing orders with banks take 4 day to clear? AND when u want to change something on that order - you can't do it 3 days before it's due to start being processed? aren't banks living in this century? how fucking old are their computers and software?!?!?! surely in the days of ipods and porn on your mobile phone, some kind of overnight tranfer is well easy.,.. where does my cash go for 4 days? i leaves my account quick sharp... twunts.
i'm sure it was powergen that my mate threatened with physical violence cos they forged her signature after she refused to sign up to them...she got a letter going on about setting up a direct debit with them....
the didn't have her bank account details so they couldn't take any money...it was just the cheek that got her... the way she spoke to them on the phone probs meant that if she had tried to take it any further they would've just played a recording of her making violent threats so she probs wouldn't have got far... she got satisfaction from shouting & swearing tho
thats what they do to get you to sign up! every energy company does it esp if your paying MDD. If you had gone to a different supplier and quoted powergens price they would have said "we'll do it for £40 / £45"
I've just had the same with NPower. They've setting up direct debits without permission and erroneously transferring my supply back over. Using old account details from when I had the flat. Just finished writing a letter to Energy Watch to complain. Their bill for the month they managed to get me is going unpaid like...