Prisons Why all the debate about putting inmates in police holding cells, why dont they just build some more prisons, Or ship them all off to guantanamo bay
How come were always hearing that crime rates have dropped yet our prisons are full to bursting point . Makes you wonder how long theyve known about this and weather the crime rate has dropped becaues the cops have stopped catching people as there lil old jail house is full ??
They shouldn't have to build more of anything. What they should work on doing is working within communities in the first place to prevent so many young people turning to crime out of boredom or crap family lives etc. There is no point keep slamming people in prison if there is no initative to do rehabilitation work or youth regeneration work to help intergration into communities.
I agree with you but the hang em and flog em brigade want revenge and they won't stop locking people up no matter what. Its so much easier than trying to do anything positive about it
ut's just ridiculous. People are re commiting crimes to go back into prison because they can't function in the community anymore and they get so well looked after in prsion. Surely thats saying something to the force, people actually want to stay in prison, it's barely a deterrant(sp.) anymore
The prisons are getting filled becasue loads of people are getting jailed for Fraud and Traffic crimes. They should build some more prisons but who would want to live next to one? Prisonships could be the answer.
can they not build a prison on like the farne islands or anything like that? i mean if they escape there not gunna get 2 far b4 sum1 informs the filth on the land icoz they built a prison on the isle of man,
can they not build a prison on like the farne islands or anything like that? i mean if they escape there not gunna get 2 far b4 sum1 informs the filth on the land icoz they built a prison on the isle of man,
deport the foreigners that commit crimes & bring back the death penalty for peodophiles & murderers...raoists should b considered for hanging too
Free all none-violent drug offenders who have been locked up for nothing more than crimes against the state. Lock up people that actually hurt/kill people e.t.c
send em out as they come in! in a massive steel container our work hav 3 id gladley let tony balir lend them, and one is a freezer one, that can be for the ones from hot climates
Labours excuse of " we inheritated this problem from the conservatives" is so old nowadays - YOU'VE BEEN IN POWER 10 YEARS - get a new excuse They knew about this years ago - BUILD MORE PRISONS presumably the ratio of convicts and non law breakers is going to say about the same - BUT the population is getting bigger with all the new EU workers and illegals here - so the PRISON population is going to grow - do they think they'll get past this and the problem will never crop up again?