Problem Pages In my magazine when I was reading a problem page I came across this one a man had sent in and I duno if its a joke but its UNBELEIVABLE!! "Im a man of 25 who lives with a very dominerring mother. Four or five times a week she spanks me over her knee with a wooden spoon, hairbrush or slipper. I hate it, but she takes great delight in it. Ive tried leaving twice before , but shes a strong well built woman and has beated me up. What shall I do?" COMON GUYS ADMIT IT....WHO WROTE THIS IN!?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Problem Pages My mam reads that, I think she'd laugh her head off if she read that in there
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Problem Pages Nope I'm taking to make me look squeeky clean in the sleeze stakes
Jess you should read FHM its a good read!!I like it much more than most girly ones"!Me and my housemates try and borrow old ones from our boy mates, honestyl get yourself one! obviously its not got much fashion or gossip in but its good crack!
Problem pages are absolulty great there always soe totally stupid problems We should try come up with a collective made up problem on here and see if it gets printed in a magazine or paper