promise 29/10 Hiya peeps, Ive just got up....think ive recovered from last nite....JUST ! As usual...we both had a great nite. Met loadsa peeps from the board, was great to see u all......a big hiya to everone we spoke to. Took some crackin pics.....u can check them out at . Probably our best night yet......! Loved all the sets last nite......was impressed with Johan Gielen....first time we've seen him. Eddie was his usual good self....the guy can do no wrong ! EDDIE EDDIE EDDIE :worship: Only one bad backstage....finally got Eddie's attention after many him to pose with Ellielou....and guess what? The battery died in the camera!!! GUTTED! Not to mention the embarrasment of having Eddie standing there posing for ages while i tried to sort it out! Gave up in the end! All in all a crackin nite....Geordielee u missed a good one! Just a few people to mention....hiya to.....Emzy, Jonny, Steph, Gary, Kenny, Matt, Cookee, Ash, Natzi59, Peter, Angel, Miss sexy (think that was ur name!), and the really lovely lass we met outside but sorry we cant remember ur name.... Hiya to everyone else we spoke to .....c ya all next time.... Jam'e'tron n Ellielou x :cyber: