Promise Tune i know Mark started with the fave Promise Tunes thread but this is slightly different What tune would every one want as a Tune that represents Promise For example Passion gets dropped @ Passion at Birthday Parties and one off events Which tune should get dropped to make Promise kick off big stylee
What was that tune that sounded like Zombie Nation but better??? That reminds me of Promise & Hardwicks debut and when the club was DARK!!!
u mean RBA-No Alternative? sounded soo much like zombie nation but as u say better!! actually a tune which reminds me a fair bit of promise is when John Kelly dropped Dj's fans and freaks after corvin had played all wet and hard....remember it seemed to go right off!
the tune that reminds me of promise the most is yeke yeke and maybe the atheist!! and one of the best reactions ive heard to a tune was when gav green played ubik!!
RBA-No Alternative is the one! I have to agree with the Ubik reaction. How fucking good does Ubik sound in a club??? Its in my top five greatest tunes defo. Yeke Yeke may be tune of the old Promise, but I doubt we will hear it again in there!
maybe only on the classics nights like!!! ubik is one of the best ever like!!always sounds amazing!!always reminds me of my 1st festival-creamfields 2000 when in the middle of the day timo maas was on and the tent was rammed and he dropped this!!!ahhhh!!! i'm still waiting for the day someone plays the jan driver mix of laurent garnier-man with the red face!!!timo maas would have played it maybe but he cancelled??? and last time max graham was on we begged him for bullit-cried to dream so hopefully if he's ever on again he'll play it!
HAHA!! I remeber the first time I heard Ubik... March 2000 Essentail Mix..........DJ ............. S A S H A !!! Didnt hear or ID the twat for about another 4 months like!
everyones craving ubik now like!!ive just ran upstairs and stuck mine on!!i never realised who popular the tune was until it got played then!!everyone went nuts!! proggier stuff should always be bangin' like that or uplifting as fuck ie max graham!!! better than parp!!
i was like that with man with the red face!!then when creamfields was on the tele it showed pete tong playing it and gave the name!!!wahoo!!! i might find that vid actually cos it has some class tunes!!guy ornadel playing scorchio, jules playing pistol whip, fonatine playing moonshine boogie and kleinenberg playing tdr???i fink!although i do remember them getting tracks mixed up!!