Promise-Weekly? Do you think Promise will ever go weekly again. Of course it cannot be weekly because of Quality, but every week apart from that. It just seems such a waste. Now resorting to having Smile on a Friday to fill Foundation for example. I really would love it to happen, but TBH I can't really see it happening. What ya think?
Wud love to have it back again. Doubt it'll happen tho. Like you, I went almost every week when I was home. Guess some people just don't know what they're missing until its gone.
has it gotten better monthly, as much as i didnt like the sound of it at the time, i think going monthly was a great move by crasher
There isnt the market for a weekly night of that sort in newcastle, unless trance becomes really popular again in the near future, which doesnt look like happening , so soz but i dont think so!
the only way i can see promise becoming weekly again is if they start to book comercial DJ's such as scooter and flip n fill, as the market for cheesy pop trance is huge, booking these dj's would appeal to the more charverish people of newcastle and so the club would be full week-in week-out doubt this would ever happen though??
i know it seems pretty drastic but this is the only thing i can think of that would result in promise returning to a weekly night in the near future. hopefully the demand for REAL trance will pick up again, so that proper djs would be able to play more often. to be honest i cant see cheesy djs ever being booked
would a promise 'future' type thing work, where you jus had up an coming dj's or local talent? can't see the overheads being loads for that an i think a few peeps would go... could do that once a month... quality once a month an promise every other week? but thats probably bollox cos i know fukk all bout promoting an stuff
nope! cos only a few people would go! Foundation is a big club to fill in Newcastle. Even what we would consider a big name DJ, Marco V say, rarely fill the club
but i thought only a few people were going anyways?! this way wouldn't the night be cheaper to run? as i said tho i know nothing! an you could do it in a competition stylee an make the dj's bring all their mates... or we could jus take your stance an shut up shop...
i think it could work, when tied in with a more up-to-date booking policy, and a few BIG would develop the club, and some new DJs....
I'm not pointing a finger at anyone here....but I really don't think some of you realise how good you've got it! I've not been to Promise as yet, so can't comment on how it was before, but I've seen the line-ups and can safely say that the amount of talent that has been on show is fantastic! The line-ups are probably some of the best that the North East will see, unless we're talking arena events. If you want a real dire night out club wise...visit Durham. The most well known dj Durham attracted was Trevor Nelson which was a good few years back now, we've also had some wonderful guest spots from Nigel Benn....yes the former boxer! Can you see the difference? I don't know Newcastle particularly well for nightlife, but are there any other clubs which are attracting similar names as Foundation? I do agree with those in the thread who mentioned a future heroes type night, sounds like a good idea and could kickstart a few peoples careers. It would probably go down quite well, as long as there was a decent named dj playing towards the end of the night!
From a personal point of view I miss the weekly Promise nights as a whole but I am saving alot more money by it not being weekly. Also the line-ups seem to be getting alot better. Fair play to Mark and the Promise gang coz they know what they're doing. I just miss somewhere good to go out every Friday