fuck me i bet that was a nice suprise, a free 42 tv!! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/6474045.stm
I wont be buying one for a while at least. I hate the marketting bullshit that they come out with. "Its 20 40 times more powerful than the ps2, its twice as powerful as its competitors" . The games look no different to the 360s and its been out well over a year. People believe the crap that sony say too. People on the radio were like "wowee its the best thing ive ever seen.. " . Shame they were all delusioned and didnt realise that the 360 has been doing similar for a long time
tbh.. I kinda do believe the hype.. mainly because of the cell.. Looks like that little chip may pave the way for a new breed of processors.. Pity its only really good at fp calculations
the 360 has had over a year to establish itself and allow the developers to master the coding techniques, the ps3 will get better and better where as the 360 wont improve
No way.. looks like this chip could power sony products for a good 5 years.. 9 cores.. running at 3Ghz.. Ok.. some may be Synthetic/Virtual.. but the performance of this chip sounds unreal..
Yeah, but how far superior do you expect the games to look? its not going to be twice as good. It will be marginal. Gears of war is about as good as it might get on the xbox, but do you think ps3 games are gonna look and play so much better? Other than the bluray its nothing exciting really. And the Cell is clever. But just think of the "emotion engine" crap too
the european ones dont have the emulation chip to play back all ps2 games, they play some but not all
i see no reason why ps3 games cant look as good as crysis the ps3 has all u need bundled together, the xbox requires addons to get to a similar level, plus the ps3 is free to play online, once the deals come out where its about 100 cheaper they'll fly off the shelves