Public opinion A transexual (Nadia) has won the latest edition of Big Brother, joining a homosexual (Brian), woman (Kate), scotsman (Cameron) and a scouser (The Craig) Does this mean the British public becoming more accepting and open to people once derided as being different and hailed as outcasts? :groovy:
Seems to be the way like yeah. All those sorta things are pretty much accepted by every1 these days, to an extent. I still dont agree with this whole gender changing thing like, I think its just WRONG!!!!!! You are who you are and thats how it shud stay
lmao, theyll ask bb if they can take something from the house to remember time spent in it, and tak everything in it!!
it does change who u are tho - os basically u put on a false front to pretend to be something ur not.
easy tiger i havent uncovered something here have i??? i just dont agree that u shud turn urself from being male into female and vice-versa thru surgery - if u were supposed to be that way then u wud have been born that way. no prejudice at all
what about tit balloonification or plastic surgery such as nose jobs bri? thats changing the way u were born to look different. is there any real difference? fair enuff its not changing the same bits exactly but do a blood test and he's/she's still genetically a man, and even if he/she hadn't had the surgery they still would've been the same person, acting the same way, but perhaps with a little less confidence. just another bit of surgery to me.
ur bog standard plastic surgery tho mate is just to enhance what u already have....if u see what i mean. u still look male/female - just better or whatever. i just dont agree with hiding ur real gender.
i can see ya moral issue here like mate, but in this day and age there's a lot worse people are doin that you can dislike them for, and not just to themselves.
I'm with Juski. You and others think this because you happen to be a man through and through - that is, on the inside and on the outside. Just because Nadia was a man on the outside, doesn't mean she has to be a man on the inside, you can't really say that people shouldn't be able to appear as they feel, it's not fair. Just because its not a "typical norm" doesn't make it wrong in any way at all. Tbh i'm sick of people putting Nadia down all the time. Darude for example, referring to her as a "thing". Would you appreciate it if you or a member of your family was a transexual and they were treated like that? She's no different to anybody else IMO. Who cares if she used to be a man. Get over it! (That's not directly at you Sleepy but everyone who has a problem with it) /rant