Put Big Light On... Peter Kay... Funniest man alive. Got the 2 DVDs and cant stop watching them. Fooking mintos! A must buy!
the bolton albert halls one is mint aswell... you have to get it! by the way... how fast can you run in slippers!!!
There's a Peter Key Pheonix Nights special on one of the satalite channels this week or next, there showing all the eposodes of the latest series, "back to back" like. One for the fans
yeah its defo on the list... he is comedy genius http://www.promisealways.com/messages/showthread.php?s=&threadid=15540&highlight=peter+Kay
Peter Kay's a legend thought Top of the Tower was better than Bolton Albert Hall one both fucking hilarious tho. "Why do mams buy crap pop?" "its spitting"