pvd e-mix..... need urgent help!!! could i ask a huge massive favour??? is there any wee lovvies out there who would/could burn the pvd e-mix on to cd 4 me??? the winning applicant will b generously rewarded!!! pweety pwease???
akkk marts kithchen could u please help me out but copying the md just i recored the last hr and half but listenin to it on md and its only playin out 1 ear!!! akkk whats thast about?? but other mds play fine!! finx the disc was broke or leads not connected propley!! please help martskitchen!!
Seems to be like that on mine aswell. U cant really notice it that much until half way through Club Attack it starts playing out of both speakers.
btw i stopped it coz it was doin my head in hope it had finished but it should have done. but that won't be why it's playing in just one ear. are you sure your other hasn't just died of hayfever or something?
listen to it over the internet live stream from radio1 site, get a phono to phono cable, or whichever u need out of your anp/headphones socket, and record it analogue to a MD.....genius....
lmao!! noo thought think my ear is dying tho cnt hear much just constaNLY like muffled sound blasted hayfever!!! but does just ply out when earphnoe but will do that tho sounds like an idea mr revel thanyouUU
arghhh! i was dead tired but i managed to stay up until 2.45am to record the last 75mins on md but alas when i woke up in the morining i hadnt pressed record....thought the 1st 45mins were amazing tho, hope we get the PVD master back to promise soon. think the waterboy has all 2 hours on long play md so if u ask nicely he might get u a copy
YEP DID THANKIE son feelin better like take it bak they do wrk!!! will get a couple off boxes on fri!!