Question time on Thursday night (10pm) Tony Bliar Vs Michael 'banshee' Howard Vs Kennedy Essential viewing methinks!
For anyone who missed this - wow. I never thought i'd see the day when Michael howard come out of a political debate looking like a better leader than tony blair. Tony Blair - massive boo's. 30 minutes of really awful questions. Sweating like a pig by the end of it. Michael Howard - Tough questions but he handled them all well in all honesty. Charles Kennedy - Man of the match. His positivity stance seems to be working well. Just watching tony finishing off right now and i'd never thought i'd see the day when i felt sorry for the guy taking all the abuse he's been given. He's had it coming for years though. Edge of the seat stuff!
Howard has been getting some shit for sure... but after the papers today over the attorney general, and tonights question time - it makes howard look like he's had a light prodding with a tickling stick!