Re: Re: Rage!!! Nowt. Loada shit. just wondrin if it just moi who gets myself so worked up bout summit that really aint 2 bad? Did just smile though cos women outside my flat lifted her top up at me
Re: Re: Re: Rage!!! lovely!! im bored!!and my msn aint workin!!grrr!!at least pvd is on soon!! we all get worked up son!!just remember to take deep breaths!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Rage!!! Aii was wondrin why u wernt on msn!>>?? U aint got icq or nowt else av ya? I just finished work. Sucks. mite go 2 bed soon. And deep breaths did nowt. Found sum of my old angry music though and listened to that. Just kicked my door aswell. Was gona break sum stuff but skint so cant replace it
sorry dude, i know i was partly to blame... in my defence i was very cold, pissed and :chill:, but i know its no excuse really... missed ya matey... it was good... even tryin to sleep/lying down in a park at 3am, when it was freezin cold, on a cardboard box... and waitin 20 squillion hours to get home... but would have been way better if u had come to Brighton!! roll on GK dude!!!
Thats if can go to GK Twernt all ur fault m8. Othere stuff 2. Like gay work tellin me to miss corvin n matt!!! CHAAAA likely!!
grrrr i have rage with spanish arsey fucking cash machines and bank employees thast cannot speak english!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Re: Rage!!! i have rage issues.. i take it out on mobile phones though.. they get thrown at walls, doors, people, anything close by, would probably be cheaper to use a stress ball i think..
i tend to throw my mobiles aswell...i smash the covers and the entire fones :spangled: v. exensive my computer gets it a lot aswell...once threw my moniter across the room...rage that cost me 150 quid :spangled:
i punched a hole in a wall @ uni.... plastered it bk up nicely and stuck a poster over it.. nice. :chill:
Re: Rage!!! wots up like son? u avin a rough time of it lately? i want ted and whiplash to make the promised pancakes they have been goin on about makin for the past two hours so im pretty ragin like!
dave poppet come to mine., making pancakes!! lol yous could have come round last night but u was working late innit? i fink oh and yeah dexta i used to suffer from rage...i also used to throw things...and shove things though my brothers hifi hehe
Dont worry folks my rage has subsided and im actually quite happy cos had day off work. This new found hapiness will last till tuesday wen im back in work Im glad other peeps hace the same problem. If any1's seen that film "Mystery Men" i feel like Mr Furious (i never throw anything though. U guys have sum serious problems )
glad to hear me lords feelin better now! next time u are feelin all ragey again why not just get the rifle out and shoot some of your minions? not me of course
me DJ? i fink u is confusin me wif big un!!! i dont DJ me lord...tis too much like hard work if u ask me!! wot u need a DJ for like? u gonna be gettin one for birthday celebrations?
Wat i meant was if i shoot one of my minions ill be missing one. Was askin if u wanted 2 b a minion. Picked dj out of random air Us cool people dont dj, just get some1 else to do it