ralphie-b vs airbase - Massive rise abit of an old classic but... anyone got the full version of this on mp3? if so could you be a hero and send me it! Darude!!!??? cheers!
Re: Re: ralphie-b vs airbase - Massive rise Im not sure...ive had a look about but no dice, it was on ralphie-b's website years ago for free download as he made the bootleg himself. it never got released!!!! I used to have it but fuck knows how ive lost it cracking track though
Have managed to find this track with help from my friend raskell it is in full, not a rip, but only in 192kbps. here you go http://rapidshare.de/files/22493107/Ralphie_B_vs_Airbase_-_Massive_Rise__Bootleg_Remix_.mp3.html